Arum dioscoridis is a plant that has been used by people for centuries for shortness of breath, asthma, bronchitis, expectorant, intestinal laziness, digestive system, malaria and especially hemorrhoid diseases. The aims of the study are to determine the efficient extraction method by extracting the plant with different methods, to investigate the antioxidant and anti-aging effects of the extracts, and to perform in silico prediction analyzes of the active molecules of the plant. The plant was extracted using ethanol by maceration, ultrasonic wave extraction, and soxhlet extraction. The antioxidant and anti-aging potential of the obtained extracts were investigated. To determine antioxidant activity, DPPH free radical scavenging, cupric ion reduction and iron ion reduction methods were applied. Anti-aging activity was determined by inhibiting the enzyme elastase. Additionally, the active components of the ethanol extract of the plant were determined using PASSonline, LAZAR, ADMETlab 2.0 and CLC-pred online prediction programs. The yields obtained from the maceration, ultrasonic wave extraction and soxhlet extraction methods are 8.99 g/100g, 19.94 g/100g and 13.2 g/100g, respectively. The IC50 values from the DPPH method obtained from the maceration ethanol extract, ultrasonic wave ethanol extract, and soxhlet ethanol extract were 3.943 μg/mL, 2.797 μg/mL, and 2.273 μg/mL, respectively. The IC50 values of the extracts obtained from the elastase inhibition method were 3.112 μg/mL, 3.357 μg/mL and 2.964 μg/mL, in the same order. Additionally, the extracts showed inhibition of cupric ions at 1.8 nm, 0.81 nm and 1.79 nm, in the same order. In silico biological activity was determined with the PASSonline program, toxicity with LAZAR and ADMETlab programs, and the effects of active molecules against some cell lines were determined with the CLC-Pred program. As a result, it was determined that the plant has biological activities to protect the skin against aging in silico and in vitro.

Fatih Uckaya