Quality characteristics of 31 potable water samples collected from 18 tube wells and 13 bore wells of Mardan city and adjoining areas were chemically investigated and compared with international standards. Most of the water samples were not M for drinking due td the presence of higher oxygen demanding wastes and the possibility of biological activities. COD values in all samples were found to be above the permissible level of 4 mg O-2/l. Tube well waters were however, less polluted compared to bore well waters due to lower nitrite level. Calcium concentration in tube well and in bore well waters is below the permissible level except at Khat Koruna (350.96 mg/l). Magnesium concentration in both tube well and bore well waters is above the threshold limit of 150 mg/l except at Muqam Mandi and Shamsul Qamar Bagh. Results suggest that magnesium concentration compared to calcium in almost all samples were high. Results also show that a few samples were not potable because of the synergistic effect of magnesium and sulphate which imparts a laxative nature. Other parameters including Na+ and K+ were found well within the limits.
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