The electrochemistry of five anthraquinones is focused to interpret the intermolecular hydrogen bonding in the presence of four different a1cohoI, on the basis of their increasing acidity, as proton donors. The quinones were investigated systematically in dichiorornethane; acetonitrite and propylene carbonate while the half wave redox potentials were measured through cyclic voltammeter. The hydrogen bonding power was analysed from the positive shifts in both the redox waves showing proportional increase with. alcohol concentration. The quantitative data was obtained while calculating the thermodynamic association constants and number of alcohol molecules bonded to both anion and dianion of quinones. Both qualitative and quantitative data revealed the quinine-alcohol interaction as hydrogen bonding while strength of hydrogen bond is dependant upon the nature of species involved in this couple. It has been proposed that the basicity of quinone and acidity of the hydroxyl additive both favour the strength of hydrogen bonding.