The solid-liquid equilibrium (SLE) of H2O+ZnCl2+Zn(H2PO2)2 ternary system at 298, 313 and 333 K have been studied with the use of isothermal method. Solid phase compositions have been determined with Schreinemaker’s method. H2O+ZnCl2+Zn(H2PO2)2 ternary systems have simple eutectic type in 298, 333K. One invariant point, two invariant curves and two crystallization region have been observed in the phase diagrams at 298, 333K. Otherwise, One invariant point, three invariant curves and two crystallization region have been observed in the phase diagrams in 313K. In the crystallization regions; (i) Zn(H2PO2).H2O and ZnCl2, (ii) Zn(H2PO2)2, Zn(H2PO2).H2O and ZnCl2, (iii) Zn(H2PO2)2 and ZnCl2 salts have been observed at 298 K, 313K, and 333 K, respectively. In H2O+ZnCl2+Zn(H2PO2)2 ternary system, the increasing salting-out effect of Zn(H2PO2)2 on ZnCl2 with temperature.

Sevilay DEMİRCİ, Vedat ADIGÜZEL, Ömer SAHİN and Hasan ERGE