Various commercial fats were photooxidized. Objective test methods i.e., peroxide value (POV), free fatty acid (fFA), anisidine value (AV), iodine value (IV), color index, fatty acid profile radical scavenging activity (RSA) and Chemiluminescence (CL) method  were applied to observe the  changes that take place when lipid is oxidised. Result revealed a significant (P<0.05) positive correlation between change in quality indices and storage conditions. Among the samples Red Palm Oi\l (RPO) showed greater stability as reflected by least 18:2 to 18:1 ratios, balanced fatty acids profile and presences of higher amount of natural antioxidants.The highest Radical Scavenging activity (RSA) was also noted in RPO followed by Vegetable Ghee (VG) and Sunflower Oil (SFO). A proportional positive relationship was observed between physicochemical characteristics of oxidized fats and their RSA while linear response of Chemiluminescence (CL) intensity was found with the increase in POV.