A series of five samples of Cu. A and only one sample of Mn A-zeolites were prepared and investigated. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopic and thermogravimetric techniques were employed for identification of the species arising from the dynamic vacuum ehydration of the samples at different temperatures.1. Cu 2iH20)6 (distorted octahederal) Cu H20)4 (square planar) 400 Cu {OX)3 (H20) {tetrahedral Cu (OX)3 (trigonal). 2+ 2+ 2. Mn 20)6 (Octahedral) 298 K ~ Mn {OX)3 {H20)2 (trigonal bipyramid) Mn (OX)3 (H20) (tetrahederal) 623 K ) Mn{OX)3 (trigonal) (where OX designates an oxygen of the lattice). Jahn-Teller effect is responsible fOh the formation of2+the elongated octahedera 1 (tetragona 1) complex of Cu in hydrated Cu A-zeo 1 ites. 2+ Reflectance spectra of Mn3.5 A were featurless, because the transitions are spin-forbidden, therefore the species are identified mainly by thermogravimetry. No structural collapase was detected, only CU4.9 A gave partial lattice destruction.
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